Go to the Online Catalog and open the “My Account” Login page.
Click the Forgot Your PIN? Link.
In the PIN Reset Request Form, enter your Last Name and library card barcode number.
Click SUBMIT. Note: This form will not work if there is no e-mail address in your patron record.
The following message will appear, “A message has been sent to the e-mail address we have on record for you. Please follow the instructions in that message to reset your PIN…” Click START OVER.
The e-mail you receive should have the subject: Request to reset your library PIN from: library-noreply@lancasterlibraries.org.
Click on the provided link to go to the PIN Reset Form. (This link is valid for 3 hours)
In the PIN Reset Form, enter your Last Name, Barcode and your new PIN. Re-confirm your new PIN by entering it again. Click SUBMIT.
You receive the message “Your PIN has been changed.” Click START OVER.