Room and Furniture Options

Morgan Center Capacity

With all three rooms open, the space can hold up to 192 people in chairs, or up to 96 with tables and chairs. Capacity may be lower depending on furniture set-up. One section of the Morgan Center can hold up to 64 people in chairs or up to 32 with tables and chairs.

Room Set-up Options

Each section of the Morgan Center can hold 64 people audience style, with chairs facing the front of the room.

The Morgan Center be arranged with tables and chairs facing the front classroom style. One section can hold a maximum of 30 people, and there is enough furniture for 48 people in a double section or full room.

A boardroom set-up with tables in a U or circle shape can hold 12 people easily.

One section of the Morgan Center can be arranged with up to 30 chairs in a discussion circle.

Each section of the Morgan Center can hold 5 round tables, with 6 chairs at each for 30 people per section.


20 Rectangular (72″x30″ by 29″ high)
16 Narrow Rectangle (72″x12″ by 29″ high)
15 Round (60″ across, 29″ high)
8 Card Tables (36″ square)
8 Children’s Tables (24″ square)

192 Adult
32 Children’s

White Board

The availability of these furniture options is not guaranteed, and items may be reserved for library programs or other renters. This page shows what furniture may be available and what set-ups are commonly used.