Author: asalimbeni

MTPL will open for “Browsing Times” beginning Monday, June 22nd. At this time, the service is only available to residents of Manheim Township and East Lampeter Township. Residents of Manheim Township and East Lampeter Township can schedule a 30 minute time slot to come in and browse the stacks or use the public computers. We…

MTPL is happy to announce that we will begin offering curbside hold pick-ups on Monday, June 15th! View all the details for our Curbside Holds Procedures. Patrons can request items using our online request form or by calling the library at 717-560-6441. Please note that holds cannot be placed through the online catalog, only through…

Public Libraries Reopening with Limited Services As Lancaster County moves to Yellow, some public libraries will reopen with limited services. Most county public libraries will start lending print materials, CDs, and DVDs. The health and safety of patrons and staff are of highest importance to the public libraries in Lancaster County, therefore not all services will be available. Contact your local library…

MTPL is happy to announce that we are now able to accept the return of checked-out items. Weather permitting, we ask that patrons return items to boxes placed at the front door. When that is not possible, the regular book drops will be open. If anyone in your household is experiencing symptoms of illness, please…

Our May Library Board Meeting will be held on Wednesday, May 27th at 5:30 PM. The meeting will be held using Teams and can be joined by phone call or video conference. If you have questions about the meeting please reach out to us at Participate by phone: by calling (717-666-7740) and entering the…

May 7, 2020 Dear Manheim Township Public Library Patrons, This is an extraordinarily challenging time for the entire community.  Staff and I miss seeing you all at the Library as much as you miss visiting.  We are looking forward to the time when we can again serve you in person.  In preparation, we are developing…

Connect with the library on social media to see more content! Search for MTPubLib or use one of the links below to find our social media profiles. Facebook See events, online story times, and more!  Twitter Follow our twitter for news and updates from the library. Instagram Catch up with library stars like our tortoise…

MTPL is using our News page to introduce updates and publish our “In the Stacks” Newsletter. Check in regularly to see more updates, and reach out to us at if you would like to be subscribed to “In the Stacks”!